Monday, February 27, 2012

Remote Controlled Star Wars Republic Gunship Toy

Remote controlled star wars republic gunship toy that is a new star wars remote control toy.

The remote controlled star wars republic gunship toy is one of the few obscure star wars toy vehicle that is not known to toy fans of this sci-fi series. As a matter of fact, I have only found out about this rc gunship when I am looking for some people playing with their millennium falcon rc which is another star wars vehicles toys I have reviewed before. The republican gunship is a little bit familiar to me because I fondly remember this star wars ship carrying clone fighters and Jedi's in some places or sometimes in the middle of a battle. And with being obscure, not all toy stores have the republic gunship for sale

This star wars clone wars republic gunship toy is another hasbro republic gunship rc star wars vehicles toy that was made to be different than other star war gunship toys like the Lego republic gunship and various models of the star wars republic gunship. The republican gunship is a star wars flying vehicle but with this star wars remote control toy, it was made to be a rc toy helicopter just like the other star wars rc toy the millennium falcon rc. This star wars the clone wars republic gunship toy has a one propeller system with a stabilizer on top. This makes the remote controlled star wars republic gunship toy to be stable in the air but maneuvering will suffer a bit.

Like the millennium falcon RC, this radio controlled star wars republic gunship toy has the similar flying characteristic. Even if it flies good in the air the missing tail rotor would mean that it has a tendency to spin on its axis but in comparison with the falcon rc, this new star wars rc toy is better in terms of the controls and stability. But stability with the star wars republic gunship toy is worse than the newer rc toy helicopters you can buy in almost all toy shops out there and you will most likely buy this toy because you are a hardcore star wars fan, adding remote control star wars toys in your star wars collection or checking for star wars toys because you have recently seen one star wars movie.

While it may be outdated, A fun new star wars remote control toy to have is the star wars republic gunship toy.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Remote Control R2D2 or the Star Wars IR Rc Clone Wars R2D2 Toy Review

A review of the remote control R2D2 toy or the Star Wars IR Rc Clone wars new star wars rc toy.

I have heard of this clone wars R2D2 toy when I have searched for the remote control R2-D2 toy in the late 70’s but what did surprise me is the new R2D2 remote control star wars toy that has been updated in the star wars hasbro toy series. And what I didn’t expect the toy company will do is that they will add a R2D2 rc on the star wars rc collection because all of the star wars remote control toys on that collection excluding the R2D2 Rc are all based on star wars vehicles or star wars space ships.

The R2D2 for people that didn’t know is an astromech droid or the robot in star wars that you see in the star wars movies with a long movie time on the star wars episode 1 movie and the remote R2D2 toy has the same appearance as that star wars robot. One feature I like with the Rc R2D2 droid is the beeping that was included in this R2 D2 remote control. I am a fan of the beeping/screeching that the droid did in the movie and it is the same with this radio controlled R2D2. Even with being a small toy, the sound coming off with this star wars remote control R2D2 is particularly crisp and with good quality. There is also a light that turns on and off  when this radio control R2D2 beeps and squeeks. This star wars R2D2 droid toy also moves it head when controlled. The control can still be improved if they will upgrade this toy in the future. At the moment, the control of this radio controlled R2 D2 is good at best because of having only forward and reverse spin controls. The speed is comparable enough to rc toy cars with the same wheel size.

Buy star wars toys on your local stores or Buy amazon star wars products and one good star wars rc toy is the remote control R2D2.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Remote Control Republic Fighter Tank Version Of The Star Wars Republic Fighter Tank

A remote control version of the a new star wars the clone wars star wars remote control toy which is the star wars republic fighter tank.

When I have heard that there is another star wars rc toy out there that was based from star wars vehicles other than the hailfire droid rc and the star wars rc planes, I have grabbed the chance of looking for it in the local toy stores in my location. And have found out that it is the star wars republic fighter tank.

The star wars republic fighter tank is a little bit new to me because I have not seen it in the star wars movies unlike the hailfire droid. The remote control republic fighter tank looks like more sci-fi than real life tanks I have seen. What I found interesting with this new star wars remote control toy is that the cockpit can be opened and be ridden by the clone fighter provided with the toy. I also found out that you can stick your other star wars figures because of the holes. I have no idea on this aspect because I am not that fond of action figures in general unless it is from a notable character. But the real cool thing about this star wars clone wars republic fighter tank remote control toy is that it can fire missiles like the hailfire droid rc and even better at aiming because you can adjust the angle of fire. I was so enticed with this feature that when I have found out that you it has no left right turn control, I was really devastated. I believe they have made this toy that way so it would be easier for kids to control.

Even if I am a little bit disappointed with it having no left or right turns, a great addition to my collection would be the star wars republic fighter tank.
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