Friday, September 30, 2011

Angry birds build your own destructable level in real life

Because of the popularity of angry birds, there are a lot of products being made for this game. There are now angry birds plushies, angry bird accesories and now even your own angry birds slingshot toy.

This rovio angry birds toy is made by a toy company called mattel which is one of the biggest toy companies in the world. This angry bird toy may not be your traditional building blocks toy where you would make a small building or a small house. This angry bird build toy is a toy where you can make your own playable angry birds level that you can customize of your choosing and throw angry birds just like in the game.

This kinds of build a toy is one that is a perfect match for angry birds because just like in the angry birds video game, you can build your own fort or building then place your angry bird pigs inside and use the slingshot provided with this toy to slingshot the small angry birds pieces also included with this toy.

The angry bird slingshot provided with this set is a little bit strong so you may need to just pull it a little bit and not to the max.

The blocks given to you are not the wooden building blocks but plastic making them more durable in the long run. The small angry birds piggies are a little bit rounded making it harder to stand up. This set of angry birds slingshot toys are a little bit lacking. There only a few number of blocks given and an even less number of angry bird pigs given. You will need more or less 3 or 4 sets to really enjoy building your own angry bird level and destroying them

Angry bird construction toys like this that are interactive and playable are more entertaining then the more popular angy bird plushies.

I personally played them a couple of times and made my own angry birds levels on real life. or copied some levels on the angry birds game. Here is a image of it.

You can even see my dog in the background  and her favorite angry bird plush toy with the video in one of my older post.

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